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SuP - To Ditch or To Endure


Updated: Jan 8, 2022

I stumbled upon this inspiring placard during my recent visit to a beautiful tea garden in Darjeeling. I had never thought of something like this, this poster seized my feet to stop and think “Wow, this is so true. We can really make a huge impact with just simple steps like this”.

It defines the power of just a single letter. If just a single letter ‘a’ has such power to inspire, why can’t we – billions and billions of people come together to save our Planet from becoming a Plastic Ocean.

Single-use Plastic(SuP) has been a major contribution to climate change for the last couple of decades.

To date, there is about 8.3 billion tons of plastic globally – 6.3 billion tons of that is just trash. 50% of the plastics on the planet are used as single-use plastic.

Nature has the power to degrade all-natural wastes, but not this man-made plastic. Plastic takes 400 years to degrade. Hence, we not only need to slow the flow of plastic at its source but also need to improve the way we manage our plastic waste.

Did you know 1,000,000 soft-drink bottles and 1 million plastic drinking bottles are sold worldwide every minute? And the process of producing bottled water requires around 6 times as much water per bottle as there is in the container. 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are used globally every year for shopping and the list goes on. That's really some Plastic for Thought.

Simple changes to our daily lives can make a big difference to this planet. I avoid the use of mineral water bottles, soft drinks, packaged food, sachets products, straws for drinks, disposable cutleries, etc. Always Carry A Bag for shopping and opt for local produce markets than pre-packaged products.

This is how I am ditching SuPs – what’s your way of ditching SuPs?



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